Monday, March 10, 2008

The Beatles Finally Arrive On iTunes

Enjoyed by (likely) billions of people worldwide, the Beatles are so popular, they've even had their songs rocketed off into space. Despite the group's global popularity, none of its albums have ever shown up on iTunes, due, unfortunately, to a bit of a legal tiff between Apple, the dudes behind iTunes, and Apple, the group's record label. Well, all the parties involved -- namely, Paul McCartney and Apple (computer) -- have finally settled their differences and the Beatles invasion of iTunes is set to begin. McCartney indicated last year that he was working on the deal, even saying it would happen in 2008. Indeed it has happened, and it's apparently setting Apple (the computer guys) back $400 million, which will be distributed across all the members of the Fab Four (including the estates of the dearly departed ones), plus Apple (the music recording guys) and, of course, Michael Jackson, who does indeed own the publishing rights to many Beatles songs.There's been no specific mention of exactly when the albums will show up online, but it shouldn't take long.

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