Thursday, May 1, 2008

Doomsday Is Coming To "Smallville"

Doomsday is coming to "Smallville". The unstoppable monster known as Doomsday was responsible for the death of Superman in issue number 75 of "Superman" in 1993. Superman battled Doomsday to the death in the landmark issue defending Metropolis and the world. Superman and Doomsday, in typical comic book fashion, were both resurrected from the dead the following year. Now, the CW is announcing that Doomsday will appear in the 8th season of "Smallville".

The network has announced two new characters that will be joining the cast of Smallville next season: the legendary, unstoppable Doomsday, and a female antagonist who will challenge Clark in ways never before imagined. Casting is underway for both roles.

Doomsday: In season eight, Clark will face his ultimate challenge with the appearance of the legendary, unstoppable destroyer Doomsday, who appears on “Smallville” for the first time. As comic book fans know, Doomsday is notorious for being the only character in the DC Comics universe to have killed Superman.

Female villain: Doomsday won’t be Clark’s only nemesis in the upcoming season. The executive producers are tight-lipped about a new female villain they will be introducing, but they can say she will be familiar to many fans and will set her sights on Clark in ways Lex never could. Intelligent, brilliantly manipulative, and dangerously sinister, our gorgeous new villain has one more weapon in her arsenal: Her mutual attraction with Clark may prove to be as deadly as kryptonite for him.

The female villain sounds like it will be Mercy Graves. Mercy Graves is Lex's bodyguard and implied lover from comics and "Superman - The Animated Series" continuity.

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