Monday, May 5, 2008

Marvel Prepares Big Screen Version Of "The Avengers"

Following this weekend's box office success for "Iron Man", Marvel has announced their official intention of launching "The Avengers". In one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood, Marvel has long indicated their desire to spin off future films and use the established actors in their upcoming films (Robert Downey, Jr. from "Iron Man" and Edward Norton from the upcoming "The Incredible Hulk") to reprise the roles in an "Avengers" movie. Now, Marvel has officially announced their intentions.

Marvel today updated its feature film slate strategy and plans for the next three years, locking in key release windows for its character franchises. In order to focus its attention on maximizing the success of an Iron Man sequel and the launch of Thor in the summer of 2010 and because Marvel believes that the summer is the optimal time to launch a new property, the Company will not release a self produced film in 2009. Marvel plans to launch its 2010 film slate with the release of the sequel, Iron Man 2, on April 30, 2010, followed by the launch of Thor on June 4, 2010. Additionally, Marvel is planting its feature film stakes for summer 2011 with an Avengers-themed summer – a two-picture project which will debut on May 6, 2011 with The First Avenger: Captain America (working title), followed by The Avengers in July 2011.

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